Saturday, 2 February 2013

The DIfference

  • Structured Approach
    • Provides the computer with step by step instructions and the programmer has to specify every little procedural detail.
    • Unfortunately, most people have difficulty thinking in terms of procedural details, particularly when the procedure is complex.
    • To make it easier to create logically correct programs programmers devised the structured programming methods which limits the programmer to three types of structures to minimize logical errors and to make errors easier to find and correct
      • Sequence of instruction
      • A choice whether one set of instructions is carried out to another set of instructions is carried out
      • Repetition of a set of instructions
    • As programs became more complex, additional methods and rules were created.
      • Modular programming
      • Structured system design
  • Object Oriented Approach
    • Views a computer system as a collection of interacting objects
    • Defining what the user requires means defining all of the types of objects that are part of the user's work environment.
    • Design a computer system and how the interact.
    • Wire framing and specification technique documenting complex business logic and interaction. This allows the designer to decompose a screen in a manner that reduce complexity.

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